Local Restaurants, Lodging and Attractions Open to Serve Residents and Visitors

September 16, 2018

Businesses are starting to get back to normal hours. Here is a  list of local restaurants and lodging establishments that have elected to stay open this week to serve residents and visitors traveling inland from the sea islands, or in-town residents and visitors seeking lodging accommodations, a place to eat and something to do. Be sure to Check Facebook postings and websites for each of the businesses for any changes, updates and hours of operation. 

Please check back regularly for an updated listing of those businesses. Local restaurants, Lodging and attractions wishing to be on this list, should email info@bfthospitality.com

Area Restaurants & Bars Open for Business:

Remember, Restaurant Week is underway -September 7-16!

Area Hotels and Inns Open for Business:

Area Attractions Open for Business!

Check Facebook postings and websites for each of the businesses for any updates or hours. 

The worst of the storm should be over for us, but we encourage all to be vigilant and to stay informed.  If you are seeking updates regarding Hurricane Florence, please visit the following links.

South Carolina Emergency Management Department

Beaufort County Office of Emergency Management Alerts

National Hurricane Center

Beaufort County Evacuation Routes